I am planning to take two graduate students (one MS and one PhD, either in the Hydrologic Science or Geophysics program) for 2025 Fall. Interested students may contact me by email (qifeiniu@boisestate.edu) with a CV and transcript. 

Science: The Multiscale Hydrogeophysics lab at Boise State University studies (1) geophysical and hydraulic properties of near-surface geological materials, (2) functions and properties of watersheds, and (3) hydrothermal systems.

Method: The research in our group is a combination of field experiments, laboratory testing, and computer modeling. We integrate geophysics (both data and modeling) into other geoscience modeling (earth system modeling, hydrologic modeling, reservoir modeling, etc.) to better represent subsurface modeling. We also conduct innovative laboratory tests and sophisticated pore-scale simulations to advance our fundamental understanding of geological materials. 

Education: We train the next generation of geoscientists who can work at the interface of hydrology and geophysics. We aim to offer undergraduate students essential field geoscience experiences and teach them basic computation techniques. At graduate levels, we try to teach young researchers various research skills, help them identify their research themes, and prepare them for future careers.